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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rock Types

1-Rock Types 

The rock cycle is a natural process which happens using 3 types of different rocks Sedimentary Rock, Metamorphic Rock and Igneous Rock and these rocks change over the time.
Igneous rock: Igneous rock form when the molted rock get cool and it becomes solid (hard). If the igneous rock get form outside the volcano it called lava and if it get form inside the volcano it is magma. When igneous rock get form inside (below the earth surface) it become big crystals because it had more time to cool and it called intrusive rock. When it get form outside of the earth surface it forms small crystals and it called extrusive rock.
Sedimentary Rock: it is basically formed by the deposition of material of the earth surface. Deposition is process in which materials move to new places. Before deposition happens sediments get form by the weathering (break down by wind or water) and erosion (move sediments). After that sediments get compaction (glue together by earth gravity) and become turn to cementation. There are 3 types in sedimentary rock clastic, crystalline and bioclastic.  Clastic get form by broken pieces of rock and run with water meet with other rock and glue together.  Crystalline get form by chemical makeup. Bioclastic form in the same way as clastic but it get form with dead animal’s plants or some sources.
Metamorphic rock: it basically get form when heats and pressure gets into it and it changes other characteristic. Heat and pressure basically comes from inside the earth. Metamorphic rock has 2 types foliated and non-foliated. Foliated has layers (lines) on skin and non-foliated haven’t any layer on skin of rock 

2-Rock Definitions

Metamorphic rocks- It get form when heat and pressure gets into it.

Magma- it get form inside the earth surface.

Lava-It get form outside the earth surface.

Solidification- it means hard.

Igneous Rock- it get form when the molted rock get cool and it becomes solid.

Weathering- it form when break down by wind or water.

Erosion- it means move sediments.

Sediments- little rocks.

Compaction- getting together.

Cementation- it means become hard.

Sedimentary rock- it get form by deposition, cementation and compaction. 

3-Rock types 

Igneous Rock

 Intrusive – Big crystals.

Extrusive- Small crystals.

Sedimentary rock

Clastic- it get form by broken piece of rocks.

Crystalline- it is form by chemical make-up.

Bioclastic- it is consist with dead animals, plants or other sources.

Metamorphic Rock

Foliated- it has layer on outside of skin.

Non-foliated- doesn't have any layer.

Crystal & Minerals 


In crystal growth lab every group had 2 beakers. We had 3 types of minerals which were Sucrose, Halite, Epsomite but we had choice to choose only 2 types of minerals. We put 100ml hot water in beaker. We added the food coloring. After that we started adding the minerals in water. We continue added minerals in the water until it started saturated. When solution stop taking in the minerals called saturated. We had to put it very carefully so water could dissolve the solution. If we had put it all mineral in once the crystals would not have grown. We took two pencils and across then we tried thread on it. After few days’ crystal started grow on thread. We put the beakers in room next to window because it needed the sunlight and air to grow.    

2- Minerals properties

Color- what color mineral is.

Luster- metallic (looks like metal) and non-metallic (doesn't look like metal)

Streak- it is powder we get when we scratch minerals.

Hardness- a measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched by mohn’s scale.

Cleavage- if minerals break evenly it called cleavage.

cleavage of calcite

Fracture- if minerals break unevenly is called fracture.

conchoidal fracture

Composition- putting together parts or combined.

Other proprieties- describe the mineral and they look like.

3-Minerals identification

File:Amethyst. Magaliesburg, South Africa.jpg   

-Purple and violet.
- Luster-nonmetallic


- Luster-Metallic