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Sunday, May 19, 2013


Topic- Geocentric vs. Heliocentric Models
It is scientific study of matter in surface space.
Geocentric model-
It’s a theory which believes that earth is in the center.
Heliocentric model
It’s a theory which believes sun is in center.
He was the person who thinks earth in the center of universe.
Copernicus was the person who believes that Heliocentric is correct.
Movements of the earth around the orbit
Topic- Rotation
It is movement of earth around it axis. (24 hours)
Polaris is a star that helps us find the north polis.
Axis Tilt how much)-
(The earth's axis tilted 23.5
Imaginary line in the middle of the earth
The half of the earth (northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere)
An imaginary line that divided earth into two equal parts
A figure fallen from a fixed support so that it is able to swing freely of gravity
Coriolis effect
Coriolis effect moves winds to the right or left.
Topic- Revolution
Revolution Length (how long)
For the earth it is close to 365.25 days.
It is curved path of an object- imagery line along which a plate travel.
A rounded line around the sun
A group of many stars
Perihelion (earth) round around the sun on one side (far from the sun) 
Earth round around the sun on the other side (close to the sun)
Topic- Standard Time Zones
It is a line to specified east west to east position.
Prime Meridian
Prime meridian is a longitude which is located at 0 degree
International Date Line (IDL)
An imaginary line that starts from north and ends at south (east side is one day earlier than west). It’s a boundary formed where the 1st and 24th time zones meet.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
This is time zone that runs through Greenwich, England.
Topic- Seasons
Movements of the earth around the orbit
Axis Tilt
Imaginary line in the middle of the earth
Direct sunlight
When the earth is getting straight sunlight (summer)
Indirect sunlight
When earth is not getting straight sunlight (winter)
An imaginary line that divided earth into two equal parts. It doesn’t have any seasons but it is closest to the sun at all times.
Topic- Solstices  
Winter Solstice
When the sunlight direct in the southern hemisphere it is less sun of the year (Dec 21/22)
Summer Solstice
When the sunlight direct to the northern hemisphere it is most sun of the year (June 21/22)
Topic- Equinoxes
When the night and days in 12 hour are equal.
spring Equinox (date)  

March 21/22
Fall Equinox (date)
September 21/22 
Topic - Solar Eclipses
Lunar revolution
The movements of moon around the earth (27-29 days)
Total solar eclipse
Moon cover the whole sun
Partial solar eclipse

Moon cover a part of the sun

When moon completely cover the sun is called umbra
When moon cover the sun only part of it
Topic- Lunar Eclipses
Total lunar eclipse
 When the moon is umbra
Partial lunar eclipse
When the moon is penumbra 
Topic- Phases of the Moon
Phases of the moon
Phase of the moon is how the moon looks like in different shapes.

Waxing is increase
the part of the moon

It is decrease
the part of the moon
New moon
When moon is almost entirely black but the part of it its white (new moon)
Gibbous moon
When moon is less than its half
Quarter moon

When moon is completely half
Crescent moon
When moon is more than half
Full moon
When moon is completely white (full)
Topic -Spring Tide
Tides (High and low)
There are HIGH and LOW tides. In high tide water level go two times high and in low tide water level go two times low. Revolution and Gravity cause the tides. Two type of tide are Neap and Spring Tide.
Water Level & Sea Level-
The level of water moves because the movements moon around the earth
Gravitational force from the moon on earth
When gravity of moon caused ocean water to move.
Spring Tides
When three of the planets (sun, moon, earth) are in one straight line so it maximize the gravity of the tide is either really high or really low.
Topic - Neap Tide
Neap tides
When three of the planets (sun, moon, earth) are in one straight line so it minimize the gravity of the tide is really low.

Difference between Spring Tide and Neap tide

Differences between neap and spring tides are in neap tide moon, earth and sun make L shape. In spring tide moon, earth and sun make straight line

Essential Question
1-How do the Earth’s motions affect us each day?
The earth is affected by its movement. Earth rotate on its axis in 24 hours. The rotation cause day and night. The revolution of earth cause the seasons. There are four seasons on earth. Summer, winter, fall and spring. Earth get indirect sunlight and direct sunlight from sun. 
2-How do the sun, moon and earth interact?
The Earth orbits the sun (moves around it in an ellipse) because of the Earth's speed and the sun's gravity. Similarly, the moon orbits the Earth.
3-How do the sun, moon and earth function as a system?
The three work together by using their gravitational forces to cause tides. They produce high tides when the moon is between the sun and the Earth (new moon), both the sun and the moon work together to produce high tides.
4- How are the movements of the Sun, Moon and Earth apparent on Earth?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Plate Tectonics Essay

Plate Tectonics 

Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics? Why or why not?

Throughout the history, if we see the earth’s geography has changed a lot. Plate Tectonics is the theory that plates moves, and it separated through the time of 200 million years. When all continents were together it was called Pangaea. Alfred Wegener was the person who came up with the idea that the all continents were one, and continents named Pangaea. This theory is agreeable because I think as the time passed or passing, the earth has been going through of a lot of changes produced by the time. If we look at how Pangaea is mapped, and the activity we did in class (very early, when the project was started) which explains and prove that there are some land forms such as deserts, mountains etc., which can be connected. When scientists were searching they found the same fossils of animals in neighbor continents.  

In class I search about Earth Interior and if we look at the earth layers, earth have four layers which are crust, mantle, inner core, outer core. As we search and discuss in class, outer core is very thick layer which is totally liquid. It is made up by metal like iron. Inner core is very solid (hard), it is made up of metal. Mantle is very thick layer which is made up of molten rock which is liquid, so that why it’s move. The crust is the top part of the Earth. It is where we live.

If we look at plate boundary, there are three types of boundaries which are divergent, convergent and transform. These three act as evidences that the plates are moving. Convergent plate boundary is when two plates come together which usually create mountains/ mid-ocean ridges. Divergent plate boundary is when the plate fall apart which create rift valley/ deep- sea trench. Transform boundaries are formed when two boundaries slide past each other, it usually creates earthquake. The 3 types of plate boundaries would create 3 different features which are evidence as plate tectonics.

In class we also search about the ring of fire. The Ring of Fire is the location where most of the seismic activity in the world is taking place. Seismic zone are the area’s where earthquakes waves happens more. A major volcanic earthquake called ring of fire which made a circle around the Pacific Ocean. Mid- Atlantic ridge is second major volcanic which formed underwater chain of volcanic mountain.  Active volcanoes are the kind of volcanoes which explode at least once in history. Extinct volcano are the volcanoes which will not going to explode anymore.   The Pacific Ocean has a mid- oceanic ridges and is surrounded by Subduction zones. There are so many earthquakes and volcanoes all around the border of the Pacific Ocean, where the Subduction zones are located.

From this project I've learned that earth’s characteristics has changed throughout the long period of time. The theory of Tectonic Plates is agreeable, because there is a lot of evidence proving it. Plate tectonics had been and in present are consistently changing. Earth wasn't the same when it was created, because there are evidence we have found today which supports it. Topics, such as earth interior, Plate boundaries and the ring of fire are technically tested explains of the reality of the theory of Plate Tectonics.


  • What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

In the project I really like making quizzes because it was fun to make it. We can make or ask any question related to topic. It was also important to keep that in mind that student’s understand the topic.

  • What was the most challenging for you during this project and why?

In the project the most challenging thing for me to do in this to manage the time so I could finish activity on time. In addition we had to keep all the things in our mind and had to understand topic well for the quiz.

  •   What new skills did you learn from doing this project?

In the project I learned that it’s very important to complete very thing on time otherwise it will be hard to cover.  It helped me to manage my time well. It really helped to write things in my own words.

  • Is there anything you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.

In the project at the start I was little confused and I was going crazy with the project but I think I should have been little calm about project. I think I would have make my mini poster little fancy because Ms. Kara told me it was the most boring poster she ever sees lol. I didn't had idea about the time that how I should have use. But I think the mistakes I made I've learned that I shouldn't go crazy with things.

  • What would you change about this project?

In the project I would do more fancy things with just finding all the correct information. I will keep the balance. I will be more creative so it will attract students. This projects had a lot of fun things I could do. It was really helpful for me to learn about plate tectonics. I was really shocked at first when I found the all the continents were together. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Prediction Map- Boundaries Type

Photographic Evidence- Analysis Paragraph

Demonstration Lab - Mini Lab

References of Photographic Evidence

References- Shaking Our World- Photographic Evidence

"Amazing Tsunami Picture." - Urban Legends. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <>.

CB, MistyDays /. "Blue Schist Knocker, Fault Zone, California." Flickr. Yahoo!, 10 Nov. 2006. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <>.

"CHINA EARTHQUAKE PHOTOS: One Year Later." National Geographic. National Geographic Society, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <>.

"Colorado Geology Photojournals." The Earth At Work. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <>.

"Hey, Hot Shot! Entries for June 2010." The Hey, Hot Shot! Blog: June 2010. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <>.

"Hot Spot." - National Geographic Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2

"NOVA Geoblog." NOVA Geoblog. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <>.

"What Is a Subduction Zone?" WiseGEEK. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <>.

Photographic Evidence

Monday, January 14, 2013

Conclusion for Natural Disaster-Flooding.

Flooding is water, which is difficult to hold. It’s overflowing water, which comes from ocean to land that normally, stays dry.  Flooding happens because heavy monsoon, heavy rainfall is responsible for flooding in Pakistan. The other causes are too much snow, hurricanes, low temperature and heavy winds causes flooding.  The environmental effects are it can damage land and the irrigation system. The economic effects are rebuilding of the area’s those got hit by flood. Wheat, rice and cotton farms got flooded, it get destroy. It also effect on cotton and rice production.
In bar graph 1, it shows the economic damage in 1992, the economic damage was only 1,000,000 but in 2012 it rapidly increase and went to 9, 800, 00, which effects on Pakistan economic a lot. When flood came it wash out the rice and wheat farms. Addition, it effects on cotton production. 
In bar graph 2, it shows the person gets affected by flooding. In 1992, the people who got affected were almost 6, 500, 00 but in 2010 it really increased. It went to 18, 000, 00 people get affected. It suddenly becomes higher from past years. 
In evidence 3 it shows the rainfall map which illustrate the actual, normal and departure rain.
In next 10 years, the pattern looks really harmful because it has increased in last year’s very rapidly so it could get worse. It could effects on more people in upcoming years.